
Essix retainer: Clear hard-elastic, transparent PET-G thermoplastic. The material is abrasion resistant to the greatest possible extent and almost unbreakable with excellent properties concerning breaking resistance, elasticity and form stability.
Hawley: This Hawley retainer is constructed with a 3×3 labial bow and a set of ball clasps or adams clasp. It is easily adjustable with the labial omega loops and provides excellent retention with the clasping placed between the premolar and molar.
Lingual Bonded Retainer The lingual bonded retainer is a simple yet effective appliance to prevent anterior relapse. The appliance is bent and contoured to the top 1/3 of the tooth and is delivered with a custom putty/PVS tray that holds wire in position from central incisors .
Wraparound with Support Wires The wraparound design provides retention with the aid of optional .022 support wires for stabilizing the bow. This appliance keeps the occlusal free preventing interference.
Removable appliances

Twin Block
Fixed Appliances

Space manteiner
Habit breaker
Quad Helix
Sports Mouthguard

Our sports mouthguards come in a variety of colors and thickness. We can create a solid, dual, or tri-color mouthguard with a decal of your choice. Our mouthguards can be made in 4, or 5 mm thickness with or without double layer depending on the contact of the sport.